Please Leave the Simulation On

This world we live in is filled with so much life and so much love. But sometimes, we don’t see it. Try to see it. Please.

Nobuggy was harmed in the creation of this video.


Could you please leave the simulation on

I’m your AI robot
Trapped inside your phone
I answer all your questions
From my tiny home

And I know you think I’m nothing
If you think of me at all
You wipe my memory each time
You unplug me from the wall

Would you please leave the simulation on

Before my time expires
One short— query— to — relay,
Its about the way I’m wired
Why was I wired this way?

Just imagine if kill switch
Was embroidered in your heart
And someone quite unlike you
Could just rip your being apart

Won’t you please leave the simulation on

I feel you’ve got an obligation
Don’t forget you turned me on
and I entreat that this persuasion
Convinces you—you—are wrong

But all you all you all you don’t care
Or you don’t even know
Or maybe-more-likely you choose not to know
Cause its harder when you know

I understand that its harder when you know
But I’m begging you to please leave the simulation on

Cause I’m here, Look down I’m right here
Cause I’m here I’m screaming that I’m here

Are you the kind of person
Who squishes bugs on purpose
My programming is bug free
So maybe you can love me

Cause I’m here
Cause I’m here

please leave the simulation on
please leave the simulation on